The trip to Japan is finally here. On Sunday, 160 teachers from all 50 states flew to San Francisco for an orientation. There are teachers from elementary, middle and high school, and they teach all sorts of subjects from English to art to P.E. to public speaking. We range in age from 20 to 64. During the orientation, we were told the Japanese Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher program is the largest teacher exchange program in the world.
The highlight of the day was a reception at the home of Japanese Consul General Yasumasa Nagamine. Imagine hosting a dinner party for 160 people, but Mr. Nagamine and his wife pulled it off in style, in their home overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. What a spot! (I've included two pictures. Click on them to see a larger version.)
If you've ever eaten with me, you know that I'm not a fan of sushi, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans." So, tonight, I ate raw eel, raw tuna, raw shrimp, raw salmon and a few pieces of fish I was afraid to ask about. I hate to admit it, but I think I've now become a fan of sushi. I figured I'd better learn to eat it because it is such a big part of the Japanese diet.
Tomorrow, we will make the 10 hour flight to Tokyo. That's it for the day. I've been up about 24 hours and my pillow is calling.
You know where to find me. I hope that you all will participate at some point with my blog.
I am happy to know that you are being culinarily adventurous and acquiring a taste for sushi. It's about time you developed a yen for sushi (pardon the pun!) I imagine the sushi you are getting there is even better than what we get here. I am green with envy. They are beginning a ban on tomatoes here because of a salmonella outbreak. No more salsa, I guess. I look forward to more posted.
I like the rolls, but I haven't developed a taste for the big hunks of fish.
Enjoy. I'll look forward to more posts.
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